Monday, 24 October 2011

60 Chevy street machine WIP

My local club started a meeting night build, meaning everyone picks a kit from their stash and only works on that kit at the meeting. I picked the 60 Chevy street machine and I thought it might be fun to post new wip pics every month after the meetings. Here's what I have so far. I cut all the cross members off the frame that would keep it from laying flat and I cut the lower a arms from the engine cross member. Photobucket I chose the 22" wheels from the Grand National Donks kit and low profile tires from Pegasus. I cut the inner fenders out so the wheels can tuck and I shaved the handles and filled all the seams for a smooth look. Photobucket Last meeting another members was working on a 2JZ engine and we noticed how its almost the same physical size as the straight 6 that came in the Chevy kit, so I'm toying with the idea of using one in this build. Photobucket And here's a mock up. Photobucket As always any comments, questions or suggestions are welcome.


George Connor George Constantine John Cordts David Coulthard Piers Courage

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